


The word of God is alive and active.
Hebrews 4:12

As disciples of Jesus, we are invited to take on His lifestyle, His own habits, and weave them into the rhythm of our everyday lives. His practices not only draw us into a reunion with Him, but they also create the conditions for His Spirit to transform us. 

We want to equip you with the practice of scripture reading by introducing you to an ancient and an unhurried way of reading the Bible that opens us up to the life and activity of God in the rhythm of our daily lives. 

This way of daily reading is not for gaining more information. It is for our formation. God wants to meet us in His Word; all we need to do is slow down, savour the Scriptures, and be open to Him speaking directly to us.

Based on Lectio Divina, or ‘Divine Reading’, this Spirit-filled practice invites us to listen for God as He personally speaks to us through His Word. Through the movements of resting, reading, reflection, and response, we can become open and available to God everyday.



There will be physical copies of the Daily Rhythms: Scripture booklets in the Venue from Sunday 31st December. Please feel free to take a copy, or use the digital booklet instead!


In this video, Stu walks us through what this practice will look like in our every day. 


At whatever stage you are at on the discipleship journey, if you are looking for additional practice pointers or want to explore other ways to engage with the Scriptures (i.e. through Biblical study, theology, praying the Psalms, memorisation, or journaling) we would love to hear from you!

You can reach out to Stu to begin a conversation around developing habits around the Bible by emailing: stuart@laganvalleyvineyard.com


Blessed is the one
whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on His law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
And whose leaf does not wither –
whatever they do prospers.

Psalm 1: 1-3