We have committed ourselves to be the kind of people who make Jesus the boss of our lives and together exist as a church on fire, so that we would see this valley come alive with the love of Jesus. To help us see this vision through, we are expanding our Venue to include the building next door. Our hope is to establish a multi-functional space that centres on compassion, community, children, and youth. On Sunday, Andy and Mark talked us through the practicalities of what this looks like for us as a church family.

As highlighted in the video above, our goal is to raise £250,000 for the building project. If you consider LVV home, we would invite you to pray about what you can give as an act of worship for our God.
To give to the building campaign, we would encourage you to pick up a Giving Card from the church venue on Sundays which includes relevant giving information and Gift Aid details. Visit laganvalleyvineyard.com/
When will work start?
– Once the funds are raised, we have achieved all required statutory permissions (planning permission, building control etc.) and have appointed a contractor. It is not possible for us give you an exact date at this time but we would hope to begin the work in spring 2023.
How long will the building work take?
– We are hoping around twelve weeks from the beginning of the work but this is subject to change. We will keep our community informed with regular updates once the work has begun.
Who will be doing the building work?
– The board will be inviting a number of contractors to tender for the project. The board will then appoint a principal contractor to oversee the delivery of the project.
Are we signing a new lease?
– Yes, we will be entering into a new lease that will incorporate our existing venue and the new building. The new lease we are entering into will be for a duration of ten years, with an available break to us at five and seven years should we need to end or lease for any reason at those times.
Why is Gift Aid important?
– Due to our charitable status the UK government will pay LVV 25 pence on every pound that is donated to us from UK tax payers. If you are making a donation and you are a tax payer in the UK it is important for you to fully fill out a gift aid form.
How can I pray for the building project?
– Here is a link to a corporate prayer we are encouraging our whole community to pray through this process.
– Please pray specifically for our board and staff as they lead us through this process you can see exactly who they are here
If I have further questions who should I speak to?
– Stuart Bothwell, our Executive Pastor is available to answer any further questions you may have. You can email him at: stuart@laganvalleyvineyard.