
Anchor + Encounter

A Conversation on the Scriptures

We believe that the Scriptures anchor us and invite us to encounter Jesus. 

As Dallas Willard puts it, ”Scripture is a communication that establishes communion and opens the way to union.”

While it may feel at times that we’re merely picking up a book of old words, ink and pages, the Spirit of Jesus brings life to the Words of the Father, to reveal Himself on His own terms and speak directly into our lives.

It’s easy to lose sight of the value and wonder of the Scriptures as we skim through a passage to tick off a task, or try to fill our heads solely with information. We’re invited into something more than that. We receive the Word of God when we live open to encountering Jesus and hearing His voice, recognising that He has something to say to us through this ancient and sacred text. God’s Word is God’s Word for us. 

Andy and Stu recorded a two part conversation on the value of the Scriptures and how they anchor us and lead us to encounter Jesus.

Scriptures Part One | Anchor

Scriptures Part Two | Encounter